New Brunswick

Travel & Nature New Brunswick

Viewing New Brunswick photos 1 to 5

photo of Farewell New Brunswick Hello Quebec Farewell New Brunswick Hello Quebec
Crossing provincial borders between New Brunswick and Quebec also means a quick change in language.
September 9, 2007:
After a peaceful night in Mount Carleton Provincial Park we packed up and...
photo of Fredericton To Hartland And Beyond In New Brunswick Fredericton To Hartland And Beyond In New Brunswick
A whirlwind tour of Fredericton in the sweltering heat, a covered bridge in Hartland, then a look at the highest peak in New Brunswick.
September 8, 2007:
A night didn't do anything to cool the air temperature and the camper was...
photo of Grand Manan Island In New Brunswick Canada Grand Manan Island In New Brunswick Canada
There was to be no tour to see the North Atlantic Right Whales but we enjoyed a scenic tour of Grand Manan Island instead.
September 7, 2007:
As much as we tried to establish if a tour was departing today, no one...
photo of Bustling City Of Saint John New Brunswick Bustling City Of Saint John New Brunswick
The largest city in New Brunswick, Saint John which is nicknamed Port City, has streets which bustle with activity and reversing waterfalls.
September 6, 2007:
Leaving Hidden Valley Campground, we headed straight for the information...
photo of Coastal Geology At The Hopewell Rocks Bay Of Fundy New Brunswick Coastal Geology At The Hopewell Rocks Bay Of Fundy New Brunswick
A morning ear tagged for a stroll through the coastal formations of the Bay of Fundy at the Hopewell Rocks in New Brunswick.
September 5, 2007:
A visit to the New Brunswick portion of the Bay of Fundy is never...
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